Gloria Edukere
2 min readMar 9, 2022


Towards Breaking The Bias

A prelude of events following the recognition of women's activities and participation throughout history is commemorated with events marking progress made as far as gender equality goes. Women's history month is dated to recognize women change-makers, celebrate sheroes, amplify the voices of women all over the world in an attempt to birth an inclusive space with unscratched and untapped possibilities for women to thrive.

Globally, women are confronting stereotypes, leading the pack, disrupting systems, creating initiatives to amplify the voice of women, and celebrating other females. From founding tech solutions in the emerging market to driving change in the energy sector, women are not quieting down on the subject of inclusiveness.

In the news, feminist groups are marching to stop the war in Ukraine; the rejection of the gender bill in Nigeria has fueled a national women's protest, international organizations are pitching for the involvement of women in building the AFCTA, international women's day events are taking centre stage as women are stepping outside the box to break the biases that have gone on for far too long.

Calls for participation in projects, forums, webinars, signing open letters, and fostering partnerships in subjects related to LGBTQ, diversity, and inclusion, sustainable development for women, finance and investment opportunities, women participation in tech, agriculture, politics, gender justice, sexual and gender-based violence, abortion rights, sustainable women development, women in energy, inclusion, cancel culture, disruption, marginalization, etc. There are so many conversations going on in the world about women.

More so than ever, now is the time to get involved with women-focused virtual and in-person activities such as online campaigns, street runs, protests, and other events organized to bring women together to celebrate or amplify powerful propositions for the benefit of all. While we work towards building an unbiased world, let's keep the conversations going.

Happy International Women's Day.



Gloria Edukere

This is my alternative diary. An interactive corner to center my thoughts & opinions which I like to keep to myself. But, you're reading them now, so go on.